Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Join Me on MySpace

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Is Affiliate Marketing For You?

Affiliate Marketing is an internet based marketing practice in which a business pays you to advertise their products on your site. You are paid a percentage of sales when someone purchases one or more of the advertised product.

The industry has four core players at it's heart. The merchant, the networks the publisher and the customer. This market has grown so much it has even evolved in some instants as a secondary tier, and some even three tier..

Today, I am letting you know about just 1st tier, where you find your "niche" market (something you know about or feel good about) advertising.

You can use one website to drive traffic to another or you can use what is known as SEO (search engines) to get traffic to your web sites. While search engines, e-mail and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies.

You must do your research and have a large base of traffic to succeed in this market. I would suggest joining free social networking sites. Do not bombard your new friends with ads when you first start. Selling is selling. You must first find out what your "market" needs and wants. To do this, get to know the people whom you are grouped with on these social networks. Converse with them often at least 3 to 4 times a week. That way you find out what they are there for and then and only then you can offer them one of the products you think they may be interested in.

Now, don't quit your day job! Not every affiliate business is successful. Making a lot of money is never easy, plenty of hard work is required. Persistence, ambition, and maybe a certain talent with the right niche you'll get there. I have been in sales and marketing management for over 16 years. The norm on the "streets" is if you get 1 in 10 you are doing great But on the internet if you get 1 in 500 you are doing well.

2nd step would be to get into blogging. Here on Google and many others they are free. Google does have 2 types of affiliate marketing that you want to research also. Through your social networks you obtain "traffic", people who come to read what you write. Now do not let that scare you. You can write about anything. People love to read, write about your family, hobbies, if you are knowledgeable in an area write about it. It is not hard, but it takes (Persistence, ambition, and some talented luck).

3rdly, you will invite all of your social networking friends to visit your blog, do not worry Google shows you how. At first is is all so overwhelming, but little by little the light bulb comes on! Again if you get stuck "Google" it, contact me. I have only been doing this for about a year and there is still so much to learn. I have not quit my day job yet, but am hoping to next year! YEA!

The next step I am working on now, for me is the hardest, is to build my own website. WOW! I think I might have to make some more money and hire someone. But I will not give in that soon. I will keep pushing and that is all you need to do to become successful.

I would suggest you look into different companies and find the reputable ones. You would not want to sell your friends something you would not buy. There are so many companie3s out there, many are great, and sorry to say some are scams.

If you do your homework well you can find the right ones. Find yourself mentors who have been doing this for awhile and never be afraid to ask for help. The way to find them is read your email, find them on the social networks. It will not take you long to find the real one for you.

Everyone is here for the same reason, 1st to make money of course, but we are all willing to help the next bunch of up and coming newbies.

Now, don't quit your day job just yet, if you are one of the lucky ones to still have one! Not every affiliate business is successful. Making a lot of money is never easy, plenty of hard work is required. Persistence, ambition, and maybe a certain talent with the right niche you'll get there.

I can be contacted by leaving your name and email address, and I promise you if I do not have the answer I know someone who does. Do not go for the get rich overnight schemes. You do not have pay for traffic or to become an affiliate. There is no reason for it. Once you start making some money there are somethings worth purchasing, but not now. Be patient and learn as you go. You may make $300-$500 a month at first, but hey that is better than nothing. Those that are making the "big bucks" have been in the business for years and that is only 5% of all the people on the internet.

Look at some of the affiliates that I have listed, look into them. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. One last thing I would like to remind everyone of is, be careful, really careful on the internet. Never give out too much information no matter what. There are spammers out there and worse. Just use your instincts. Here's to your success.